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The Foundation for Nonketotic Hyperglycinemia

Founded in 2017, the Foundation for Nonketotic Hyperglycinemia (NKH) provides information and support to families with living with NKH. It’s not an easy path, and because of the rarity of NKH, information can be difficult to come by.

We also work with NKH charities to raise funds for NKH Research, to bring about an effective treatment. We’re also in touch with several NKH Research Teams, ensuring the latest information is available here.

The Foundation for Nonketotic Hyperglycinemia is sponsored by #teamMikaere

Meet Mikaere

Mikaere was born with Nonketotic Hyperglycinemia in October 2016. His family spent countless weeks in Intensive Care, hospital and hospice. They’re lucky to currently be home with their little guy. He’s well loved, but living with NKH is not what they expected.

They were determined that their little boy would make his mark on this world, and wanted to contribute to the NKH community that has supported their little family.

As there are a few strong charity’s dominating the NKH community they felt it was better to partner with existing charities, allowing more funds to funnel into research than overheads.

Instead, they found information on NKH to be fragmented. There was no one place to go for cohesive information. So, they founded The Foundation for NKH, the first NKH patient informational website.


If there is anything you’d like to add, or question or even just to say hey, we’re open and willing to add/change/discuss anything and everything NKH related. Email us at – hello[at]teammikaere[dot]com.